Home Made Chocolate,Cupcakes & Wedding Cake
Suitable for any party?



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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Birthday Cupcakes!!!!

hai...yg ni diorder oleh kakzura for her daughter besday..alya..9 years old!!!


~25 pc cupcakes~

~16 pc cupcakes~

~total of 41 pc cupcakes chocolate moist with buttercream topping~

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Cupcakes Buttercream

Ditempah oleh mimi for her bf..
16pc choc moist cupcakes + topping: buttercream...
tank u so much ok sis..
enjoy da cupcakes..
mimi yg nak pic itik cute adik sorang nie..xmau pic love2..

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Fondant Cake

this wedding cake was made by me for my own wedding..ha3..ape gune blaja wat cake if tak wat mmg giler pnat tau..

sape2 interested nak order,sila lah ok...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

cupcakes- Kod CS

ni cupcakes 16pcs size L.choc moist.topping with choc ganache.add strawberry..yummy2.
ditempah oleh nadia galing..same prson yg tmph cupcakes fondant for her wedding..i buat trgesa2 coz last minit order ni..hope she suke cupcakes freshly baked by me..

spe nk tmpah,silalah sms/cal/email/isi form ok..thanks...

Friday, July 30, 2010

Cupcakes Fondant

hai..lame xupdatekan..
ni merupakan cupcakes perisa choc moist+fondant sbg deko cupcakes tu...ditempah oleh nadia dr galing, sama ngn kte lah..heehee..
nadia ni akan melangsungkan perkahwinannyer pd 30july2010..bkal suaminyer xsilap name N & N...BESTKAN..NAME AWALAN SAMA!!

tema purple+putih..:)

slamat pengantin baru nadia & nasrullah!!!semoga berbahgia selalu yea :)

16 cupcakes-L size in window box..

ops lupe..cupcakes ni,for hantaran..utk pihak lelaki..dr pihak perempuan...:)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

35pc choc for hantaran

i sponsor choc ni for my kazen wedding on 17 july lpas..die jadikan my choc as 1 of the hantaran...

kazen plg rapat katakan...huhu...selamat pengantin baru izah!!!!

penutup box dibuke

penutup box ditutup

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Loose choc & doorgift wedding

loose choc ni dipos ke pekan..diorder second time oleh adik siti dr pekan..tq very much k..500gram choc plain n filling peanut butter...b4 ni adik siti order 4 wedding abgnyer..yg ni surprise utk ayahnyer...mkn2 je..

ni pulak 50 box doorgift..2pc plain choc dlm each box..ditmpah oleh my lovely kazen..izah..izah kawen 17/7 ni tau...tq very much ok my kazen!!!love u..muah x5..reben,izah nk kaler red..

xsempat lg ikat sume reben

ni je gmbar yg sempat disnap....xclear sgt pic..sori..time mlm..

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Kek Kahwin

I wanna share my latest baking project-fondant cake...

sila tgk okay...

3-tier cake.suitable for wedding cake,design boleh dibawa bincang.colour also

so sape2 berminat,sila order k..heehee..colour ikut ur pun boleh dibincang..ape u suke n tak suke..

tq very much...

Friday, July 2, 2010

New product - lollychoc

HELLO..lame xupdate blog..ade product baru for sale..lollichoc...

sesuai buat doorgift any,spe2 nk order..dipersilakan...thank u.......muah2..

Thursday, June 17, 2010

2pc choc for wedding doorgift

Order kali ni untuk majlis perkahwinan juge...diorder oleh adik siti dr pekan...utk wedding abgnyer...direquest 2pc plain choc inside transparent box berserta reben kaler yellow gold..mengikut tema...adik siti order 50pc box

antara gmbar yg sempat disnap...

Close up skit...

Monday, June 14, 2010

2pc Choc as Doorgift

hye everyone..

choc ni di order utk dibagi sbg doorgift wedding..2pc choc inside transparent box..

bentuk rose

bntuk shell

bntuk daun

bntuk love

so sape berminat,order lah..bkn org kuantan je tau..negeri lain pun bole order..bisa di pos..

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Chocolate Moist Cupcakes with Chocolate Ganache

Ni pulak chocolate moist cupcakes yg dihias ngn chocolate ganache..tiade sbrg corak2..just deco ngn chocolate ganache..

16 pieces chocolate moist cupcakes with chocolate ganache

ni la rupe cupcake chocolate moist sebelum dihias ngn coklat ganache

setelah dihias..:)

mmg sedap...serious..lembab n delicious...xrugi order..

Monday, May 31, 2010

Size Cupcake

sy sertakan gmbar size cupcake utk memudahkan customer ok..

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Chocolate inside a Box...KOD B01

Hi all...

ni pulak merupekan choc ade filling tau....filling/inti inside the choc is peanut butter...mmg sedap lg brbnding dgn choc plain....try it first orait :)

sesuai sgt bg present besday kat kekasih ati,mum,dad,siblings,teachers or sape2 lah..nk mkn sndiri lg la bole....nk letak byk2 atas dulang hantaran pun bole..jd creative k..

ops..lupe...xsemestinya 9 psc je..bole jgk nk order 4 pieces ke..berbelas pieces ke..ade byk size box...

ni 9 pieces choc with peanut butter filling...owh abaikan reben yg xmatching tu..xda kaler ln dh

ni pic setelah dibuka box itew...

Saturday, May 22, 2010

White Choc diwarne Pink- KOD PO1

ni pulak coklat putih yg diwarnekan pink...dijadikan doorgift jgk...boleh diwarnakan mengikut tema anda tau....xsemestinyer pink je...sila order jika berminat..

choc lg.. KOD LO1

Ni contoh order yg diterima utk dijadikan doorgift.. choc oreo..dlm choc ni ade biskut oreo tau... ..owh..if nk order utk mkn2 /birthday/bg present kt org pun bley...xsemestinyer utk doorgift je...sila la sms/cal/isi form order sekirenyer berminat...mari cuci mata..thanks :)

lagi pic sebahagian dr doorgift....

Sunday, May 16, 2010

besday kek

Sape2 nk order kek bsday or kek aniversary,kek tunang n etc..sila la email/sms/cal....gambar bole letak gmbar anda/apa2 gmbar...cake yg dideko ngn buttercream...

Monday, May 10, 2010

coklat as hantaran tunang

ni pulak nadia's chocolate dijadikan hantaran pertunangan...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

cupcakes for pertunangan

cupcakes ni buat time i tunang aritu..pagi tu baru terkejar2 susun cupcake ni..hehe..

Saturday, May 8, 2010


ada wat cupcake..ema order for mkn2..later i update the picture...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

choc for sale

praline choc : choc inti almond or
truffle choc:choc peanut butter filling / strawberry filling